underground "subway of NY"
Dear readers,
Sunday, february 14th, NEW YORK.
It is day #6 in New York & the city never sleeps like us. It was the last freezing day that we had to overlap. Early in the morning we made our way to new yorkers subway, the subway station wasn´t far away! Very NICE by the way. It was our first time that we took the subway. The new yorker subways are also a sightseeing like in Berlin! It was also a perfect shooting place, just "old skool" and fucking dirty! So we took some pictures in the subway during we went downtown & at the rails. Arrived in downtown we took the Staten Island ferry, to get some pictures, videos and further more to enjoy the downtown skyline! (With the new world trade center, Brooklyn bridge etc.) In my opinion it is a really good idea to take this ferry, because it is for free and you see really cool impressions!
In Staten Island we got hungered! So we agreed, we need a real american burger. Back in Manhattan we went to the TIMES SQUARE & searched for the restaurant "the five guys" which should be a low-cost burger restaurant! Buut, surprise surprise, the burger wasn´t cheap! We paid 10$ for a small burger which was a appetizer, you know. Cooked in FAT, without salad...bad know-how!
That was day #6 in NEW YORK!
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